Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random Ramblings and Links

Here are some things that have landed in my mailbox lately.  Enjoy!!!! 

 * HBO's TV movie Game Change won big at the Golden Globe awards.  Julianne Moore and Ed Harris played Palin and McCain respectively and deserved their awards greatly for their spot on portrayals.  Needless to say the Grizzled mama was not pleased.  I loved it! Here's Ms. Moore accepting her award:

*Steven Hill of The Atlantic made an interesting proposal for Social Security:  Double it!!!  and y'all can read about it here. (A tip of my Thinking Cap  to Sam over at Under News)

* Martin Luther King Day is Saturday and here are some great words from the great man:

And Mr, Rogers weighs in to remind us that we all responsible for each other:

 Happy Blogging!!!!!!



  1. Great heroes, great words. Here's one that motivates me every day, from Margaret Mead :
    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

    1. Love that Mead quote -- it's in my archives somewhere.

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Great quotes, Kay & Lorna! The ideas expressed are so true.
    Cop Car

    1. What my daddy called "more truth than poetry".

  3. Words to ponder over. Mutual responsibility is a hard sell these days, alas. --Marianna

    1. Any kind of responsibility is a hard sell these days.

  4. Great post!! Loved the quote from Martin Luther King Jr. I did not know he said anything like that, a great man! And I think Mr. Rogers was terrific. Thank you for sharing their great words so we will not forget them :)

  5. Where are those that imspire, today? King was a Giant in the fight for Human Rights and for Humanity, itself. LOVE Mr. Rogers, Too! Thanks Kay for the inspiration!

    1. They sure aren't Republicans!!! We aren't fighting back like we did in the 60s. We sit in front of our computers and kvetch. And that, my friend is why I worked to re-elect Obama who is disappointing me. Sigh.

  6. I watched the Golden Globes...enjoyed them very much. And, I enjoyed this post. Happy MLK day today. Thanks Kay. ~Joy

  7. I didn't think much of Mr. Rogers until later in life. Do you know testified before a Senate Subcommittee and advocated government funding for children's television? PBS owes it's life to him.

    1. I never cared for him either but my daughter adored him; my son liked rowdy shows like Sesame Street. Fred Rogers is a good caring man.

  8. On this beautiful inauguration day, these are words wonderful to remember.

  9. Dr. King knew, didn't he? Those were such violent times, even worse than today.

  10. Since I am retired and receiving Social Security I am all for doubling it. We, retirees could find places to spend the money -- food, utilities, new shoes, computer to keep up with the world, oil changes, bills and all other plain living expenses. Just think how that would pump money into the economy rather than placing it in some off-shore money shelter. -- barbara

  11. Thanks for the article on doubling Social Security. Now there's some thinking outside the little-bitty box; we need more of that.

  12. been thinking about you
    I loved the movie Game Change

  13. I think Game Change was pretty good, maybe not great. I am glad it got some recognition at the Golden Globes. I'm up for doubling Social Security! I'd send those extra dollars trickling down to the local organic farms and locally owned businesses of all kinds right away.

    1. I liked it because really showed how bad McCain's choice was. I'd spend it on some things I've been doing without -- like groceries.


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