Friday, May 04, 2012

Update fron Kay's Chaotic World

I've been a very busy old gal. I'm wayyyyy behind on everything. In my next life I'm gonna be organized and healthy and rich.

* I had my semi-annual checkup with my old buddy, Dr. Jody the neurologist, who was upset 'cause Dr. Maria didn't send him the skinny on my recent surgery.

* I also had to see Dr. Mark the orthopedist as I strained a muscle or two in my good shoulder. I'm supposed to rest. Yeah, right . . . when donkeys fly!

* Today I have to go to the hospital for my weekly class. I'm not talking about it until I can "Mission Accomplished!" except to say that I think I'm doing pretty well.

* Today is also monthly errand day -- scrips, gasoline, grocs, and a present for Racy Gracie's Birthday on Saturday!!!

* Last Saturday was a double whammy. I spent the morning working for the Obama campaign to register folks to vote. Imagine my surprise when I found that I was working with my friend Norma who I'd met when I was working for my then Congressman. Norma is also a member of our Occupy group which was also meeting that day so we made a mad dash from one venue to the next. We both turned down passes to see Obama in Columbus on Saturday (tomorrow) due to prior commitments. She says it looks like he'll visit here later on in the campaign and I hope that I can get a ticket for that.

* Here's an excellent thought from Stephen King to Mittens:

Is anyone but me less than enchanted with trying to get Blogger to format?

I'll be around later to visit y'all!!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!!!



  1. We share a common goal -- in my next life I too am going to be organized, healthy, rich ... oh, and I'll handsome too! Meantime, nice message from Stephen King.

    1. LOL Amen!!!! And yeah, King said it right!!!!

  2. Hope things continue to go better for you. I liked that button so much that I put it into a blog for mine also today. I hope it goes viral as Americans need to wake up to what is happening to their country before the right sells off all our rights.

    1. I'm trying hard. I thought King's words were truly powerful and yeah, I'm in agreement -- which I'm sure doesn't surprise you!!!!

  3. Sounds as if you are in the eye of the storm. Since our Dems in Hawaii are shoe-ins, I'll be looking more at local races, helping with candidates' forums for some local "non-partisan" races and so on.
    A little dull, I guess.
    Hope you are feeling OK and not pushing yourself too hard.

    1. You bet we are in the line of fire. No one has EVER taken the Presidency without Ohio. Local is good -- it's important, too!!!

      I'm still a bit rocky but am trying mightily to get better.

  4. Take it easy! Those strained muscles aren't good, but then you already know that.

  5. Good to be hearing from you. I was concerned (but not enough to drive over and find you. Oh, dear, does that make me a Republian rich fat cat. Oh, wait, I don't have any money.) Glad you're back.

    1. I'm glad you didn't -- my home is a mess!!!! And I know that you're not a GOP fat cat -- you live in Peninsula -- not Hudson!!!!! And yeah, I'm hoping we can do lunch or somesuch this summer!!

  6. Hey, Kay.

    Glad thinks seem to be stabilizing for you. Hope that continues. Love the Steven King comments. I agree--I don't give a rat's derriere if Mit is rich and I don't want to hear any apology for the privileged position into which he was born. I absolutely go ballistic when I hear those smug (choose your own term) who scramble up the ladder while blowing raspberries back at the rest of us as they pull up the ladder. Hope Gracie has a very happy birthday.

    1. Stabilizing???? New stuff is complicating everything!!! And yeah, I agree on love your take on those who think their wealth gives them privilege -- truly wealthy (and classy) people understand that wealth brings responsibility to those less fortunate. And GREED and PRIDE are two of the 7 Deadly sins!!! Gracie will love her gift -- and her mom will hate it!!! I call that a triumph!!!!! LOL

  7. You seem chipper, and mysterious. Except about your politics, of course.

    1. I'm trying mightily to stay positive! As to politics, I'm an unrepentant liberal -- and have been since before 'liberal' became an epithet! LOL

  8. I like the King take too. It sure did take a lot of energy to accomplish all you had to do today; sounds like only someone getting back in shape could do it! Nice to see you "back in there."

    1. Thanks!!!!! It left my asker draggin' but was worth it. I don't do well with sitting still too long!!!

  9. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Never having been a fan of Mr King's, I'm enchanted to see that he has a side that was unknown to me. Thanks, Kay!
    Cop Car

    1. I've never been among his fans either but I really respect his viewpoint on this. That he is prolly a multi-millionaire, really adds to his credibility.

  10. As Lorna pointed out you do seem chipper. It nice to read. :)

    1. Chipper? Moi? Hardly. I'm just glad that the pain is beginning to subside.

  11. Kay -- maybe it is the template that is giving you trouble???? I am not a computer expert so really I don't know what I am talking about. Great quotes on the above post and also this one. -- barbara

  12. Good that you can try to stay upbeat despite all that might be happening with you.

    Hope you're signing up lots of voters so the Ohio election goes the correct way. I recall Akron area as leaning more Demo. but maybe there were more mfg companies there than now.

    Yeah, I find the new Blogger doesn't always space my paragraphs the way I set them up despite my numerous attempts to correct it -- as in my current blog. Very annoying.


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