Monday, April 30, 2012

It's the Groaner of the Week!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't been a round -- life is far too lifelike!!! Hopefully, I'll be around later to visit and tomorrow I'll bring y'all up to speed!!!!

A guy walks into a bar, orders a drink and sits down. As he sits down he hears someone say, "That's a nice suit, sir".

He looks around and there is no-one there. Then again he hears, "That's a nice suit, sir" and he looks down and it is one of the peanuts in the tray speaking to him.

Taken off guard, he goes to the cigarette machine, puts in his money, when the machine says to him, "F*#@ off".

The guy tries once more but again the machine tells him to f*#@ off!

The guy goes to the barman and says "Your bar is weird mate. The peanuts say how nice my suit is but the cigarette tells me to get lost!

What sort of establishment are you running here?" The bartender replies, "Oh no sir, it's not what you think . . . . . . the peanuts are complimentary, but the cigarette machine is out of order."

(And damn it Blogger screwed up the dammed settings and I can't format this properly!!!!)

Happy Blogging!!!!!



  1. My husband LOVED that!

    1. I'm glad!!! I thought it rather good!!

  2. Good one, Kay. And glad you are back. I agree: life is getting way too lifelike.

    1. Awwwwww thanks!!!!! I'm sorry to hear you feel that way, too!!! I think there are LOTS of us!!!!

  3. Bless those complimentary peanuts--much better than the ones you pay for! Nice to see you back.

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Life has too many cigarette machines.
    ; )
    Cop Car

  5. Glad you're back; we'll wait for the full report. Your post groaned nicely, in spite of perceived Blogger imperfections.

    1. Hopefully tomorrow!!!! The mess was taken care of eventually! I had to go through re-setting my whole blog and while it looks just the same, it isn't!!! I had to reset my whole damned template!!!!

  6. Blogger is weird, mate.

  7. Hope things get better very son, Kay....
    Blogger is screwing everything up....HELP!!!!

  8. Oh-h-h! You did it again with these loopy tales -- caused my endorphins to release from laughter.

  9. out of order!!
    priceless lady

    when I have formatting issues I delete the last line I typed, save and close the post and then go back in
    usually helps


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