Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Save the Web!!!!!!!

Y'all know I was planning an MLK post for today. However, instead I'm posting in support of the many sites (e.g., Wikipedia) that are shut down today. Google is still up but its name is blacked out in support of the protest of SOPA and PIPA and y'all can learn more and sign a petition here. Firefox is also on board and y'all can read more here. These bills are about greed, intellectual freedom, intrusive government and limiting web access. Sites like Wikipedia and YouTube would be decimated and many, many jobs (Hello? Does this smack of corporate greed?) would be lost. You or I could be sued or fined or even imprisoned for borrowing a video or music or whatever from any site.

This is about greed, my friends and I urge y'all to check out the links and sign the petitions.

Thank you!!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!!!



  1. Signed the petition. Thanks for the heads up on these two bills.

  2. This is extremely dangerous legislation. Sign the petition; I have. This is disguised censorship; we don't need it, nor should we support it.

  3. I hear what you're saying and have been supporting efforts to affect this legislation. Some Ohio Representatives on the Judiciary Committee, but don't know if any from your area.

  4. I hear what you're saying and have been supporting efforts to affect this legislation. Some Ohio Representatives on the Judiciary Committee, but don't know if any from your area.

  5. Totally affective protest against this. And Keystone is dead.
    Progressives rejoice!

  6. Thanks for the link, Kay. Just signed. If enough congress critters rethink this maybe something intelligent will appear. Not hopeful, but strange things do happen.

  7. I did sign and we seem to have had some success. I read that there are those who govern you who are changing their minds.

    On a personal note, Kay. what have I done? You have disappeared in the follower gadgets in both the World and the Poetry.

    I thought you liked me? Can you see the bitter tears I'm weeping?

  8. This legislation and censorship is horrendous. I'm going to go and sign the petition now. Thanks Kay... ~Joy

  9. Hey Kay
    I'm sorry I missed your Blogger anniversary.I find it hard to believe it is just six years I thought it was longer, anyhow a belated congratulation my friend.



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