Friday, December 16, 2011

Random Hectic Week Thoughts . . .

It's been a busy week and I'll be glad when it's over -- I'm tired and as much as I love Shaughnessy, I'm almost tired of him and his dad (Jeff) and his grandpa (Alec).  I'll be glad when Sunday and the open house is over and they all head for Florida.  I was invited/begged to go along but I'd rather stay here than open a can of worms.

* 'Weird' is the word for our weather here.  It's December 16th and we haven't seen so much a flake of the white stuff.  Now that I've typed it, we'll prolly get a foot dumped on us tomorrow.       

* I haven't done a lick of holiday shopping and hopefully will get an insomnia night so I can head for Wal-Mart at 3 AM -- I hate Wal-Mart but I hate holiday crowds more.

* I cleaned my place pretty thoroughly and tomorrow Bryce is going to help me deck the halls and I'm wondering why.

* Remember how we denizens of the Buckeye State killed the union-busting bill back in November? Well, we're at it again!!!! We have enough signatures to put the gerrymandering of Ohio on the ballot come spring. We Are Ohio and we are proud. Think may John Kasich is a one-term governor?

* A tip of my Thinking Cap to all y'all who signed Bernie Sanders' Saving American Democracy petition. If you haven't signed,just click the link. Corporations are NOT people no matter how many times Mitt Romney says it.

* A friend sent this along and it gave me good laugh:

* If you haven't seen it, here's my personal choice for the video of the week. I've always admired Barbara Walters' composure and poise in her interviews so this 1:13 minute video took me off guard. Jon Stewart had some fun with it, of course.

I'm hoping to grab some 'me' time and get around to visit y'all later!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!!



  1. I was in the stores a couple days ago and the holiday crowd here wasn't yet that bad. At least, not yet.

    By the way, Go Ohio! If you can fix the gerrymandering, you can fix anything!

  2. Hey, take a break and rest a bit. We don't do much in the way of Christmas shopping. Mom gives the great grandkids a card with a bit of cash. A couple of them are getting old enough they don't have many more years on that list. She sent her Christmas cards (without enclosure) to everyone else right after Dec. 1. We get joint gifts--more hostess gifts rather than actual Christmas gifts--for my sister and sister-in-law who host Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners. We don't even decorate much any more. I hope Ohioans can take care of the gerrymandering like they did the labor atrocity. Happy Holidays and take things easy.

  3. That Rick Perry motto is priceless....I love it. Good luck with your Xmas shopping up the'll need it battling all the other late shoppers. I don't really blame you for just wanting to relax quietly at home instead of going to Florida...that's kind of my mindset this year; albeit very different from what I normally do. Happy Holidays sweetie....take care, feel good, and have fun. ~Joy xo

  4. Good on ya, Ohio! And more power to you.

    And Cain will go on bringing us joy long past the season. Who knew politics could be so fun?

  5. That clip gets better every time I see it!

  6. Thanks for the video, Kay. I especially loved the sticker for Perry. That is my laugh for the day!

  7. Anonymous11:16 PM

    It has been the weirdest weather year here in Ohio. But we did get snow today, hurray, just enough to cover up the ugly, dead grass.

  8. I hope you get all your shopping done at 3AM...A "perfect" time, in my view--truly...!

    LOVE that!
    I Wish you The HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS, my dear Kay....And A WONDERFUL HEALTHY HAPPY 2012!

  9. We got our firs snow on the Cape today - ocean effect snow. I reminds me of living south of Cleveland and being buried up to the eyeballs in lake effect snow.

    I wish you a lovely holiday and a healthy happy New Year.


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