Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

I've been honored to have been invited for Christmas dinner with my neighbor Michelle and her family and am looking forward to seeing Bryce, Gracie and Ana open their gifts -- not to mention Michelle's fabulous cooking!

Here's yet another tradition for Christmas here at my poor neglected blog. It's my favorite holiday song as done by the late great Nat King Cole who, in my not so humble opinion, is one of finest voices (if not THE finest) to ever grace the world! (Can y'all guess that I'm getting set in my ways? :) )


And I have to tip my cap to these fine lads out of respect for my ancestors.

Merry Christmas!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!!



  1. Merry Christmas, Kay! I'm afraid my blog visiting has been neglected with all the holiday to and fro-ing. I should be caught up in a couple of days. I hope. Meanwhile... have a wonderful time!

  2. A very happy Christmas to you! I hope the conversation is lively and the food warming and joyous.

  3. Merry Christmas, Kay. Hope you have a wonderful day. Seeing the excitement in children definitely makes the whole experience headier for us who are past those days other than through sharing someone else's excitement.

  4. Kay, a very merry Christmas to you.

  5. enjoy the day!

    I love Nat King Cole and you're right about his voice

    Merry Christmas dear Kay

  6. Merry Christmas Kay.. After all the health problems I think I'm finally on the mend.

  7. I was fortunate enough to see Nat King Cole's final performance before he died. I loved his Christmas album.

    Stay safe and warm this holiday.

  8. Merry Christmas right back at you. Hope your cold vanishes and you have a great Christmas. :)

  9. Kay: I have the same problem.

    Lia: Thanks!!! It was great!!!

    Rain: It was fun!

    Leslie: Right back at ya!! Now we can take on Election 2012!!! Sigh!

    Dianne: Nat is the best indeed.

    Joe: That's awesome news!!! Stay well!!!

    Robert: How I envy you that!!!

    Mage: Same to you!!!!!

  10. I hope you had, or are still having, a great Christmas day.
    Merry Christmas Kay!

  11. Merry After Christmas! Hope your Christmas Day was fun and food delish. I've been a bit lax getting around to visit but the good wishes are no less sincere.

  12. Merry After Christmas! Hope your Christmas Day was fun and food delish. I've been a bit lax getting around to visit but the good wishes are no less sincere.


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