* Tomorrow is new doctor day -- finally! -- and I have a whole list of issues for him/her to address. And I'm ready to go to war if they are not taken seriously. I'm also considering a change in doctors and am working to make that happen.
* I was in ER over the weekend. When I returned from Toledo, I fell on my front steps while I was unloading my car. My ankle hurt and I've been hobbling around but I ignored it and hoped that it would go away. It didn't, but I put off doing anything about it because I knew I'd be seeing the doc soon. I finally went to the ER and am now sporting a brace on my left ankle for a severe sprain. Needless to say, it's slowing me down a lot. The worst part is that this is my good ankle. Sigh.
* Tornado season is here and we're under a watch as I type this. In Ohio we just change the type of lousy weather to put us crazy -- or is that crazier? I looked at the map online and I think if one hits, it will be south of us.
* The picture below is of my baby brother, First Sergeant Mike (and yeah, we look a lot alike -- just like my dad.). It was taken as the Army Reserve's 762nd Transportation Company prepared to leave for a year-long deployment to Iraq. He has been in the regular Army and Reserves for over twenty-eight years and is a veteran of Desert Storm. He is active in Rolling Thunder -- an organization started by the Vietnam vets/motorcycle enthusiasts to honor those who gave their lives in 'Nam and to support our troops today and the issues of POWs/MIAs. (They're the guys who ride to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial every year on Memorial Day.) One of their members chronicled the 762nd's Departure and my brother here. I thought it a lovely tribute. Please pray to whatever God you believe in for their safe return to their families. [Notes: a) Mike and I don't have the same last name because my stepfather adopted him when he was twelve. b) There's more to come on this story. My world has more twists than pretzel!]

That's it for now. I still am trying to get things organized for some new posts.
I'm hoping to get back to a regular blogging/visiting schedule soon. Many thanks to all y'all who keep visiting. You have no idea how much I appreciate your comments.
Happy Blogging!!!!!!!
Kay, sorry about the ankle. Hope you can find a new doc, they are very rare but they are out there.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see all our guys and gals come home. Its time for peace.
Hang in there, kiddo :)
Kay, I am sorry about your excess sleep and sprained ankle; hope all is better soon.
ReplyDeleteGood grief girl...that's the last thing you needed was a gimpy ankle. We don't heal like we use to 'ya know. But hey, you may surprise us. My achy hip last year got better faster than I thought it would...even though it comes and goes from time to time. Good luck with all the doctor drama ahead Kay...I'll be rooting for you no matter what sweetie....Love, Joy
ReplyDeleteGood luck at the doctor's tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteHope your ankle is feeling better.
Hugs for your brother.
We used to live in KS. I DON"T miss the tornado warnings/watches!
Sorry about falling. That is so sad. But I am glad it is no more than your ankle. My friend fell backwards, hit her head on the steps and died! That was such a shocker. So I am glad you are still hobbling.
ReplyDeleteYou Go Girl! Get that new doctor. They don't deserve our loyalty if they don't help more than that.
Your bro is so cute. I hope all goes well for him. I would be so frightened if it were my baby bro.
love you, Kay
Geez no wonder your sleeping so much, you need to heal. Sleep is good for that.
ReplyDeleteHope your all better soon.
Hope the ankle gets better and the new doctor works out. We can sympathize with you on the doctor problem. Mom just switched to a different doctor after becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the old one.
ReplyDeletehope that ankle gets better soon --- follow your doctor's instructions on bracing and icing and such!
ReplyDeleteHope all goes well with your doctor's visit -- don't let them BS you (I know you won't)
So sorry that you sprained your ankle. That hurts like bloody hell. I hope it heals soon.
ReplyDeleteI also hope your baby brother (what a hunk) comes home safe and sound.
Here's hoping the new doctor has all the answers to your problems..
ReplyDeleteSorry about your ankle and hope that feels better soon..
To all y'all: My ankle is getting better. I walked out on the new doctor at the clinic screaming and I refuse to go back. I am getting another doctor who listens to his/her patients.
ReplyDeleteColleen, Annie, & Darlene: Yeah, he's a cutie at 46 and his wife is a wonderful lady who misses him terribly. His oldest son, Matt,
22, looks just like him and all three of us look just like my dad.
I joke that it looks better on boys! LOL
Good luck with the doctor tomorrow. I hope you find a new one who will take you seriously and take the time to answer all your questions.
ReplyDeleteSorry to learn about your sprained ankle. You certainly could have done without that with all that's going on with yhou.
ReplyDeleteHope that new doctor listens to you! If they would only LISTEN - they might be able to help the patient!
As long as you HAVE to be down, try to enjoy it. You have a wild and crazy life and deserve a little break!
ReplyDeleteWhat is this with ankles? It's a contagion sweeping from coast to coast and it's affecting the sprouts younger than me, like you. Started two years ago and just took a call tonight from a friend telling me about another mutual friend who has "caught it."
ReplyDeleteSorry you ended up in the ER 'cause that's no way to end a vacation -- and your good ankle, to boot. Hope you get on the mend quickly and get your doctor issues resolved satisfactorily. Frustrating when doctors don't listen.
I hope you had good results from the doctor. Sure a lot of people falling lately and ending up with injuries. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI hope your little brother has a safe time while in the war zone. I hope soon we won't have any Americans in harm's way. It doesn't look likely though in the near future.
You certainly didn't need to add falling to the problems that you are already dealing with. I call that kind of thing the 'distraction' that the Good Lord sends along to take our mind off the other problem that is front and center in our lives!
ReplyDeleteOne day at a time.
Buy some bubbles. They are great stress relievers.
What a lovely tribute to your brother--and what a handsome man he is. May he and all his company come home safely from Iraq.
ReplyDeleteSometimes a new doc can make all the difference, Kay. I know your life has had a lot of twists and turns and it's a miracle you've come out so well. I'd say it's time, and then some, for a brand new start!