* First and foremost, I want to apologize for not visiting y'all enough. I hope things are settling but then I could be wrong. I do hope that tomorrow and Sunday I can get caught up with y'all.
* The identity theft thing is still in its infancy. I'm still filing more reports to various and sundry agencies -- I think the list is endless. I went to our local cops and they said I didn't have enough info, Never mind that I had exactly what I was told to have for them have by the Feds. Sigh. I think I'm going to call down there on Monday and talk to someone with some rank.
* The other day my friend Richard chased me down --literally!!! I was driving downtown to the cop shop and this car honk at me. I couldn't see the driver so I just ignored it. When I got downtown and got out of my car, Richard pulled up and gave me hell. I laughed. Then he told me that he was headed out to the Preservation Society's new thrift shop and wanted me to come along. I explained that I needed to see the cops and made my apologies. When I was only there ten minutes on my fruitless mission, I decided to head over there. Rich was delighted when I found him and he had to show me around. It is a virtual treasure trove with all sorts of interesting things for the home from candy dishes to a pianos. There were even two Egyptian mummy cases! There were also a pair of vases that Rich thinks I should buy for my mantle. Richard is a marvelous decorator and I trust his judgement but told him that I'd think about them. I've been trying to get rid of clutter not add to it and, of course, I have to watch my pennies. I was, however, glad I went because it made Rich happy and I love wandering through places like that.
* I had a lovely conversation with M.E. aka ExtremeEnglish the other day. She is such a delight as anyone who visits her blog knows. She is also a wise lady as, when we were talking about Easter, she asked if I had my jellybeans yet. When I said "No." she informed me that, "A girl's gotta have her jelly beans." She's right and when I was out today, I'll be damned if every place I went was out of jelly beans. Sigh. I guess my mission for tomorrow is to find jelly beans -- a girl's gotta have her jelly beans. Indeed!
* Found a great radio station that plays old rock and roll. Cool, huh? They've been playing "Freebird" a lot lately so either a) they have a DJ that loves Skynrd as much as I do; or b ) it's a hint that I need to call my longtime 'Net and real time friend, Richard down in SC. He's supposed to have a kidney transplant sometime soon. We gotta get him back in uniform -- he makes the cutest Confederate soldier on the Civil War renactment circuit. LOL (He's the only Confederate soldier I know on the Civil War renactment circuit.) :-)
* No plans for Easter. I'll be right here -- hopefully getting work done around here and organizing things after Mass. I've been so tired and stressed that I've been sleeping 1o-12 hours a day. Not good. Yesterday is the first day in two weeks that I haven't taken at least one nap.
Hopefully I am getting over my malaise. Then again I might just take myself to the movies.
* My good friend and fellow rebel here in town, Diane, sent along this excellent video. I do love a cappella and this is incredibly excellent and fun. I think y'all will enjoy it as much as I do.
I hope y'all have had a great week and a better one next week if you didn't!!!!!! Remember all things must pass even if it doesn't seem if they ever will.
Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!

Do hope you manage to find competent people to deal with the situation soon.
ReplyDeleteA happy Easter holiday to you. Thanks for the video, I had not heard of Vocapeople before and very much enjoyed the video. Going to go and look if I can find some more now.
Thanks for that fun Vocapeople video, Kay. It was fun to watch. They are amazing.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you're having such a tough time. I'm wishing a peaceful, happy Easter for you.
That video is the most fun I've had in 3 minutes in a long time!!! Have a good Easter, Kay.
ReplyDeleteWell we did have a shift in the moon from libra into scorpio and maybe that will help. Funny thing about the planets but often when things seem down, if I check, there is an alignment that isn't good which gives me a good feeling because they don't last (of course not when positive ones either). Knowing things will get better helps a person get through the negative times. When you look at the world, the stuff that has been going on, it seems we've been in a slump a lot of places. Hopefully you will get some of your negatives cleared up and can enjoy better times now. The visits with your friends might be a start :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter Kay. I hope things are sorted out
ReplyDeleteKay, now that you are past the 'edge' I hope that that things continue going in the right direction. I know you must be under a lot of stress and hope it all ends soon.
ReplyDeleteHave a very Happy Easter.
Sounds like things are getting better, nothing worse then having your world turn upside down on you.
ReplyDeleteHope you continue to see blue skies in the sky ahead. Happy Easter Kay D!
You've been in my thoughts, and I miss your regular funny, insightful, and sometimes ranting posts! I hope tomorrow is a joyous day for you. We will celebrate our hope!
ReplyDeleteThe Vocapeople video was great!
ReplyDeleteOh, Kay, I am so sorry about your ID. (How do we know that it is you to whom we are commenting?!)
ReplyDeleteHere are good wishes to get you all sorted out!
Cop Car