Friday morning Shaughn and I were at the airport to meet Jeff's flight. I think it's amazing that when I pulled into short term parking that Shaughn knew exactly where he was and settled down to wait for me to get Papa. LOL "Ecstatic" is a gross understatement for his reaction when I returned with Jeff. A huge Lab and two tall adults in a Pontiac Sunfire is interesting especially when the Lab wants to be in the front seat with the adults. I had a list for Jeff of what he needed to do and assured him that the cleaning ladies would be at both his and his parents' houses and that I'd been to the grocery for both and told him I had stuff to do, too.
I dropped both of them at Jeff's house and headed home because I'd promised Diane that we could "do lunch" and go see the "Kimono" exhibit again before it closed. We stopped by my friend Lynda's gallery to see what she was up to and verify a rumor that Mike -- Lynda's S.O. and our friend -- had been hurt. Sadly, it was true -- Mike had fallen off a ladder while helping redecorate her gallery and suffered a severe concussion. Not good. I, of course, told Lynda to let me know what I can do to help since he has no family here. I caught up with Jeff later and we went out to dinner so he could let me know what the program is. I told him to call me in the morning -- but not too early -- and went home and crashed.
He called around ten and I went over to help make calls to his parents' many friends and told him I was going to see the symphony's performance "Madama Butterfly" that evening and couldn't get him a ticket because it was sold out(!). He said, "No problem." -- that we could use his parents' tickets -- they always bought a subscription despite wintering in Florida -- so I ran down and turned my ticket into the office so someone else could attend. It was a "puttin' in the glitz' night and I went home to take a nap and get dressed in my favorite little black dress and a beaded jacket because I knew with the 80 degree temp we had yesterday, the AC would be set on 'refrigerate'. He came by and picked me up and it was really nice to see all the people who spoke with us about the Fair Bridget. It wasn't easy for him but he held up just fine. The performance was magnificent and deserved the standing ovation we gave them. Since it was late when it ended, we got out as quickly as we could because we wanted to get to the pub as quickly as possible so we could get a late supper. He dropped me at the door so I could get our order in and as I walked in I heard, "There she is!" I stopped and asked Ana if we could get dinner but alas!, she had closed the kitchen early because business was so slow so I went and sat down with Timmy and Joe who demanded, "Where in the hell have you been?" I answered, "The opera and have I got a surprise for you!" as Jeff walked in and joined us. They were delighted to see him and I think being with those nuts was good for him, too. We settled for a beer with them and talked and laughed until Ana told us she was closing early and sent us packing. Jeff and I decided that Burger Death was going to have to be it and picked up some food, and took it to my place to eat and then he went home because I was falling asleep.
Shaughnessy and I dropped him at the airport to return to Florida Sunday morning so I'll be staying at his place with Shaughn until he and his dad return. They're having a memorial service down there before they bring her home. I have a feeling I'll be camped there a lot for a while with all the things that need to be done but that's what friends do. I'm just glad that I've the time to do it and only wish I had more energy.
Lynda called and asked if I could come over and stay with Mike this afternoon -- he's still not in good enough shape to be left alone as his balance is out of kilter. I said no problem and that I'd bring supper for them as well. I'm taking some movies along, too, as well as my notes on what I need to do for Jeff. Lynda said I should stay for dinner but I need to walk Shaughn and take care of some things there. Thank God for cell phones!!!!
I'm hoping that later I'll have time/energy to get around and see y'all -- it seems like I'm sleeping entirely too much but I'm not going to even think about calling the doctor until I get through the next few days. I left myself a note not to forget The Friday Groaner again.
Speaking of TFG, here's the truly excellent contribution from Darlene of Darlene's Hodgepodge that should have been posted this past Friday! Enjoy!!!!
Did y'all hear about the veterinarian who was barred from performing surgery because of his poor record?
The police busted him for attempting to operate on a sick bird. However, the case was thrown out on a technicality . . .
It was an ill eagle surgeon seizure!
Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the groaner, Kay. But no apologies are needed. You have had a lot going on and it is really more important that a groaner. Take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteA good groaner there at the end, Kay. You're too busy, and so am I!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you could use the groaner, Kay.
ReplyDeleteI got tired just reading about your hectic fast paced life right now. I don't know how you do it.
Madam Butterfly is my favorite Opera. I love her aria.
After this crisis is over get some much needed rest.
holy toledo! you're apologizing for forgetting the groaner? after several days of your recent schedule, i'd be forgetting what a computer is!!
ReplyDeletegreat groaner!
thanks for the great update. I think you have plenty on your plate, don't worry about the groaner, I think you do extremely well. You know when you are overbooked because you start forgetting things. Something has to give and if it is the blog then so be it. I look forward to the updates though.
ReplyDeletemuch love,