Monday, June 23, 2008

R.I.P. George Carlin, 1937-2008

Counterculture comedian George Carlin died Sunday at age 72. His rapier wit and off-the-wall wordplay gave me many laughs for many years. I heard his first major album. AM&FM, at a friend's house and remember laughing my head off and heading to the record store the next day to purchase it. He changed the face of comedy with his irreverent and often bawdy--to put it mildly -- style. In recent years he took on the role of angry social critic attacking politicians and society in general with pointed observations on the failings of both. The Kennedy Center announced that he will be awarded the 2008 Mark Twain Prize for American Humor posthumously and join such august company as Jonathan Winters and Neil Simon.

Here is one of my favorite routines that never fails to make me smile. It's also one that doesn't require a warning. I hope y'all enjoy it, too.

Thanks for the laughs, George! You will be missed!

Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!!



  1. I wish I could open the video. This crazy dialup really hampers me. I love George Carlin and have to wonder how we will ever make it through this political season without his practical advice:-) This is a nice tribute Kay.

  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    George Carlin defied age and appealed to all generations. I loved his "stuff" (another bit he used to do.

  3. I don't have time to watch it now, but I'll be back. He was a genius!

  4. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Strangely enough, I have never seen George Carlin and had not even heard of him until a few months ago when someone (our son-in-law, Wichi Dude?) mentioned him in a blog. I still didn't know what he did--until he died. Well, I too have dial-up and won't see him in your posting, either, Kay. Sorry. Thanks for trying!!
    Cop Car

  5. Thanks for the video.
    I thought he was very funny comedian.
    RIP George.

  6. One of my all-time favorite people...ever. I will truly miss his genius....Thanks Kay.

  7. Thanks for the video. Yeah, he had some pretty funny commentary on this crazy world in which we live. He'll be missed. Enjoyed some good interviews, probably still avail at PBS-TV sites -- Charlie Rose's show and Tavis Smiley's pgm.


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