Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Kay's Thinking Cap is delighted to announce that a new feature, The Friday Groaner, will begin on Friday (of course! ) , September 7, 2007!!!

Hope y'all come by for the premiere post! I guarantee you will definitely get a good groooooooaaaaan from from our guest!

A few of you have already sent me submissions but I would like more! Yeah, yeah -- I'm nagging but I want to be a bit ahead on this so I don't have to bug y'all too often!

Thank you all for your great responses! Y'all take care and . . .

Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Looking forward to this feature, Kay. It's one of my favorite forms of humor.

  2. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Sent you one yesterday.

  3. Ronni: Thanks!!!!!!

    Stu? I thought I wrote you back and thanked you! uhhh I'd better go check.

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I'm looking forward to Friday's post!


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