Thursday, October 19, 2006

Love Y'all & THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEY! Those of you out there in the Blogosphere who read my miscellaneous (and whining) ramblings regularly, I want to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH! AQ, Joy, Ronni (my role model) and Rhea, Veenu, Janet, Marge, Amanda (who was named that before it was trendy) and Suzz and all the rest of you who have the good grace to put up with me -- you are all in such an inspiration to me and I love you for it!! Should I ever dare to make that giant step to grow up, I hope y'all decide to hang with me! I really do love all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Always .................................... Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Thank you!
    Whether you're reading what I've written or allowing me to read what you've written, whether or not either of us comments further, it's all sharing and it's all good.
    Keeping a good thought for you.

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Your Welcome!

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Your welcome!

  4. Your welcome my blogging buddy...and thank you for the same.

  5. Thank you, Kay! You have a way of getting right to the point. Love what you have to say and the way you say it!

  6. Thank you!It's always so, so wonderful to "share" your thinking cap-wouldn't miss it!!Keep going.And keep us going!

  7. Thnak you!LOve to "share " your thinking cap...keep going.And keep us going too!

  8. Y'all are sooooooooooo very dear! It's an honor to be among you!


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