Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Some Excellent Clarifying (short) Video and a Great Quote

Y'all know that I admire Robert Reich for his plain-speaking stand on the economy. Today two videos from him that speak for themselves clarify our current situation all too well.

Public vs. Private Morality . . .

How Mittens Got Rich . . .

And Cher started a Twitter storm . . .

I'm just going to leave all this to your judgement. I think y'all know by know that I'm an unrepentant liberal/progressive sort. Common sense tells me that it's my only choice. I'm dependent on my Social Security and Medicare (with no small amount blame to GOP policies.)

Happy Blogging!!!!!!



  1. Good ones. I've grown old enough to see what Baine talks about actually happen. It happened to me in 1988. Lord, I hope the youngsters are looking around and absorbing what's going one.

    1. Indeed!!! We elders are at risk but our kids will bear the long term effects!

  2. You find some really good videos to share. There are some good ideas on addressing our issues, but getting the sane approaches adopted is so challenging.

    1. I get lots of newsletters and love to share them. And the key is getting everyone on board!

  3. You find some really good videos to share. There are some good ideas on addressing our issues, but getting the sane approaches adopted is so challenging.

  4. I just wonder if people who watch Fox will ever get this? It seems so clear to me and I've tried but just can't understand any other approach to government than the goals of the Constitution, which as I understand it, stands for protecting the people, even and especially the ones at the bottom who never had the same chance to dip into the wealth pot. Keep sharing! You really do find some of the best stuff!

    1. I'd bet not, Alice!!!! A survey showed that those who watch Fox are less informed that people who don't watch the news at all. That appalled me greatly. I get all the best newsletters from the liberals -- I don't want to be "fair and balanced"; this is a blog so you get my opinion!!! LOL

  5. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The information sources many people have are full of lies. How can you counter bare-faced lies?

    1. Like Faux News? You can't. There's never been a cure for stupidity. If there was, I would have put it in the water supply decades ago.

  6. I saw Reich's piece on his blog a bit earlier. Agree totally. There is far too much focus on individual and private morality and too little on public morality at the highest levels of the financial and political worlds. Cher also says it like it is.

    1. What really bothers me is how the Republicans wrap themselves in Jesus and the scriptures while breaking Biblical laws with impunity and ignoring Jesus' teaching. They need to remember this: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24)

      And yeah, Cher got it right.

  7. Enjoyed the Robert Reich videos. He is a great economist, analyst and teacher. But ... Cher?

    1. Glad you liked it!!!! As to Cher, she said it well and covered all the bases.

  8. Thanks Kay, for these three VERY important things....I LOVED the two Videos---We Need To Be Reminded Of These Things!! And CHER---LOVE what she said! Bless Both Of These Wonderful People, and You Too, my dear!

    1. You're very welcome, my friend!!! I like to share things that come across my path that I come across in my readings. I think we all need to pay attention to what is being done to our country.

  9. Will Cher develop a large island somewhere to accept all of us who need cleaner air to breathe too?


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