Thursday, March 22, 2012


Insomnia is going to kill me. And if it doesn't get me, bureaucracy will. The bottom line is that I'm exhausted and that, my dear friends, is why I've been such a bad old blogger. I've a lot of ideas I'd like to share here but, I simply can't get organized.

Hopefully, after my surgery, I'll feel better. I've done some reading on the ramifications of a blocked carotid artery here and it explains a lot. God bless Dr. Jamie, my eye guy, for his good work in suggesting that Dr. Maria check it out. Dr. Dave says that my medical history shows that I'm a trooper/good patient so I'll do just fine. That said, I do worry and I think that's pretty normal.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to keep up here and with what all y'all have been doing but if I don't, at least you'll know why.

Have a great day!!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!!!



  1. I hope you can get some rest. I rarely get insomnia but when I do it makes me very unhappy, so I know how you feel. Spring is here now so things should look up for you and I hope your health will greatly improve too.

    1. Me, too! My upstairs neighbor has her grandaughter living with her and she's noisy.

      I think that when the surgery is over, I'll be doing better!

  2. It is certainly normal to worry and you are NOT a bad blogger.
    I hope it all gets better soon.
    I deal with insomnia a lot also, and what I've started doing is turning on the light at 3am or whenever and reading until I fall back to sleep. Maybe that would help?

    1. I'll be fine. Reading hasn't helped. I always read at bedtime and have been doing so for decades. I think that once the surgery is over it will help a lot.

  3. I've been struggling with insomnia for my entire life. I just recently completed exhaustive (sorry about the pun) tests for apnea and insomnia. The conclusions: partly physiological partly psychological.

    Believe it or not I have found "blue blocker" glasses to be helpful in the evening. (These are essentially yellow-tinted safety glasses which filter out blue light waves from TV, computer, etc. Blue light suppresses melatonin production by the pineal gland).

    I occasionally use Ambien or Alprazolam (Zanax) to help me get to sleep. Hopefully some of this information may be useful to you.

    Good luck on your surgery.

    1. Aha!!!! We share both but no one's worried about it on me.

      I take alprazolam for my panic disorder on an as needed basis. I'm gonna look for some of those glasses.

      I think that unclogging that artery will be a great help -- if the Mayo Clinic article is any indication and who am I to question the Mayo Clinic?!!!!

  4. I have the organization problem, but it's not due to insomnia. All the best.

  5. Sweetie, you will be fine. You are just experiencing normal "Oh my God, they are either going to kill me or turn me into the Ohio state vegetable!," pre-surgery worries. Well, in my case it would be the ""Oh my God, they are either going to kill me or turn me into the Kansas state vegetable!," pre-surgery worries but that is only because I live in Kansas. After following and reading your link I, too, agree that your doctor had chosen the best option for you. And I like Robert the Skeptic's blue blocker sunglasses suggestion. I may try that one myself.

  6. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Sharp eye doctors (what pun?) can really be helpful by alerting us to problems that they can detect through looking into our eyes. I'm so glad that you are getting the care that you need and look forward to your post-surgery recovery and report. Hugs!
    Cop Car

  7. Yah! Insomnia won't kill you, but that and stressing over impending surgery will make you crazy. (Haven't the GOP circus clowns already done that already though! Waiting is the hardest part I think.) When I have persistent insomnia, I sometimes resort to Tylenol PM or an antihistamine. Fortunately I don't have to do it often.

  8. "Dr. Dave says that my medical history shows that I'm a trooper/good patient" not to mention a little toughie also.I to am sure you will be fine,Kay

  9. How soon til you have your surgery??


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