Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Still Crabby but Keepin' On . . .

I'm still pretty crabby.  However, in the midst of yesterday's doldrums I received an invite from the Democratic party to see a screening of Obama's campaign film: The Road We've Traveled  tomorrow evening so I'm gonna drag myself out to see it. Some call it 'political propaganda' -- like the GOP doesn't indulge in that sort of thing. (Yeah . . . right)  I'll let George Strait sing my response to those damn fools -- I hope y'all enjoy it. And if you're interested, check with your local Democratic Party.

Hopefully, I'll be back with a review tomorrow!!!!

Hope y'all are having a great day!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!



  1. haven't heard when they are screening the film here in our little village (the dems here are pretty weak) --- looking forward to hearing what you think of it

    hope your cold is better!

  2. Getting out a bit might just help improve your mood. I know I am feeling a lot better getting some strawberries in and the blueberries transplanted. The weather is gorgeous. Yeah, the film may be propaganda but at least it will likely be propaganda you can stomach--unlike the Repthuglican variety.

  3. George Strait is cool.

  4. Oh I am. This is amazing. I just sent you an email. Let's see if it works....:)

  5. What ever you fixed, fixed everything. Hurrah!

  6. I recently read "A Singular Woman," about Obama's mother, by Janny Scott. Found it very informative; would recommend it for anyone who wants to understand where Obama came from and some of the early influnces on his life.

  7. I'd love to hear your review of the film.

  8. I saw a film last night, "Budros," about a Palestinian village that kept the Israeli separation wall out of their village.
    Glad you are getting out. Politics keep me going, and I think they do the same for you.

  9. The movie is premiering here this week (I think it was last night) but I am unable to attend. I am looking forward to revue.

    Maybe the movie will perk you up. I hope so.


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