Sunday, February 12, 2012

Update, Random Thoughts, etc. . . ,

I have been AWOL from here and the blogosphere due to dealing with my never-ending health issues and assorted other nonsense that seem to permeate my so-called life. I feel bad about that but it is what it is and there are some things that one simply can't change.  The again, maybe if I were more organized . . . er . . . never mind.

* I saw the new doc aka Dr. Dave and Dr. Maria made another great referral.  I swear she knows all the best specialists in town, i.e. the bright, no B.S. types who know their stuff and don't shilly-shally which is great for me and her other patients. Dr. Dave said my carotid scan didn't show enough so I am  now scheduled for three more test (yikes) and a return visit in the next two weeks.  I think that I should just camp at the Foundation -- but only if they give me Internet privileges.(laughing uproariously at the thought.)  Seriously, I just hope that the tests provide some insights and solutions.

* I'm trying mightily to eat healthier but I just don't have an appetite or the energy to work at it. Cooking for one sucks and I'll be damned if I'll eat the same damned thing for days.  

* We actually had a real bona fide winter storm on Friday.  This is the weirdest winter I've ever seen in my over six decades in Ohio.

* My Sunday delight is Bill Moyers' return.  I've always enjoyed his programs and the newest incarnation is no exception.  This morning's episode, "How the Right Went Wrong", features Bruce Barlett -- the conservative economist who served under Bush -- and has fallen into disfavor (probably because he actually makes sense).   It's a wonderful piece albeit a bit long. If you go to there are shorter clips.

*  Alec called and is very upset.  It seems his damned fool son is threatening to head for Ohio with the dog because he wants to help me.   I told Alec to chain Jeff to the first tee at the club and hold him at gunpoint to play.  His presence would not help and just add to the stress I'm supposed to avoid. Just the thought raises my blood pressure. If he could just send Shaughnessy, I'd like that a lot!

* I get all sorts of petitions for legislation daily from the various newsletters I follow and I'm seriously thinking of adding the links as an extra feature so they don't clutter my regular stuff.  I sign petitions 'cause I can't afford to donate much and there's a lot of good things on the table.

* I did receive a really fun link from RootsAction. It's a contest based on Mitt Romney's assertion that "Corporations are people. and y'all can enter here. To enter, just complete the sentence: I'll Believe Corporations Are People When ... My contribution? I'll Believe Corporations Are People When They Request a pregnancy leave. Fun huh?

Okay! I'm off to see how many blogs I can read before my eyes cross!!!! See y'all soon!!!!

That's about it!!! Have a great day!!!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!



  1. A good doctor is a gift. Here's to a speedy solution. And, thanks for pointing me on Blogger. From that start I have spent my day upgrading.

    1. Yes, a good doctor is although the less I see of her or the rest of the Legion the better!!!!

      I'm glad to be of help anytime!!!!!

  2. Good on finding the right doctor and it sounds like Jeff really does love you but just doesn't know the right thing to do. Sad. I guess that's the story of human life though

    1. She is a godsend as I've often said here. Jeff lost his good guy/friend status when he lied to me. And it was a big enough one that I would rather keep my distance.

  3. What was the verdict about your eye? Everything ok?

    1. This is still ongoing -- all this is still a result of that! Sigh! Yikes!!!! Needless to say, I am not thrilled at all.

  4. I appreciated your catch-up-with-the-news post. I'm hoping to avoid doctors this year. It do get wearying when your social interactions are primarily health-related visits. I'm sorry you're still having to go through that.

    1. Thanks!!! I hope you don't have to either -- you have had your share and more! And yes, I do get tired of it all but when you have a stroke at 31, it becomes a necessity.

  5. You're sounding good, ms. cap!!

    1. I try to laugh through it all!!!! Crying is not good for a body.

  6. Kay -- You sure keep up on politics. Sometimes I just have to cover my ears as it gets so complex and ridiculous. I do hope you will be feeling better soon. -- barbara

    1. I have to -- those people really are out to get us. And my ancestors believed in fighting back.

  7. Kay -- just sent a comment to you but not sure it went through -- will check back to see if it did -- barbara

  8. As I found out this last week, a good doctor makes all the difference in the world. Oh, but that must imply there are lots of "bad" doctors? yes.
    You do sound good Kay.

    1. It does indeed and I have been blessed!!! I go by the premise that 50% of all doctors graduated in the lower half of their class. Blog time helps my mood a lot. I learned to ignore the bad stuff and carry on decades ago. Blogging helps.

  9. Kay - AWOL - something I find liberating, too!

    Le't all go AWOL! Stick it to tha man! lOL

    1. Dang, gal!!!! I sure have missed you!!!! Glad to see you back and full of sass!!!!

  10. Kay - sometimes you just hafta go AWOL on stuff!

    1. You betcha!!!!! Just don't let your inner Molly Ivins keep you away so dang long next time!!!

  11. "This is the weirdest winter I've ever seen in my over six decades in Ohio."The above goes for us here on Georgian Bay also.

    Hang in there with the doctors Kay.Sure glad to know that you have some good ones.

  12. I think it all has been said, but let me add my wishes for good test results and keep blogging those politics. I sure do enjoy your finds.

  13. I was just wondering about that corporations are people thing. Does that mean that Apple or General Electric etc can run for President?


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