Sunday, February 05, 2012

Quick Note: Food for Thought

This came in from Undernews -- one of my favorite and best sources. It's definitely food for thought -- especially for those of us who came of age in the Sixties before the GOP sold its soul completely to the Religious Right. None of today's candidates would dare to utter such words without committing political suicide.

Hope y'all enjoyed the blast from the past!

Happy Blogging!!!!!!



  1. That's great. I hope that it gets spread around to the right people although even when Reagan says something they don't like, they seem to plug their ears.

    1. Thought you might like it!!!! Feel free to pass it on to all and sundry -- especially to your GOP friends. I actually know someone who invokes Goldwater so I sent it to him. And called him later to listen to him sputter and harumph. I just laughed.

  2. Remember when we thought Goldwater was so terribly conservative. He certainly seems meek now in comparison. Sad.

    1. Actually in perspective, he really wasn't a bad guy. When I was in high school History in 1964, our teacher set us up in teams according to our party (big surprise: I was captain of the Democrats) and we had to do research on and defend the opposing party's platform in the debate so I had to research Goldwater and found that he actually had some good ideas. Today's GOP make him look almost liberal!

  3. Goldwater was so prescient. His words about the Christian right's refusal to compromise are, unfortunately, right-on. Hopefully their days in power are numbered.

    1. Good words!!!! Pass it on to your friends!!!

  4. I just stopped by to see how you are and to wish you a good Week!

    1. Always glad to see ya, darlin'!!! And thanks!!!

  5. There was a side of Goldwater I admired. Sometimes I wondered, but this confirms it. Where are all those Republicans from the 60s that I thought were so bad!? You're right on, Kay.

    1. Where are they?? They're dead!!! Kidding aside, there actually were some decent Republicans but after Nixon the party went to hell.

  6. Wow, how right he was. This is a great post!!!!! Thanks

    1. One thing about Goldwater, he was a straight shooter and said what he thought.

  7. It is amazing to think of Reagan and Goldwater as moderate. They were Republicans not Repthuglicans.

    1. Exacttly!!!! They were what I call *real* Republicans that you could actually respect even if you didn't like them. Somehow I can't help but blame a lot of what's happened on the disgrace Tricky Dick brought upon the country and his party.

  8. Now I never thought I hear those words from Barry Goldwater. He was right but not that right I guess -- barbara


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