Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Random Tuesday Thoughts and Updates

"The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley."
-- Robert Burns, Poet Laureate of Scotland

The quote above seems to be defining word on Kay's World these days and I find that annoying -- to put it mildly. I've been pretty determined to get and stay caught up with y'all and interruptions abound.

Yesterday I got up and checked my email as I had my first cuppa (gotta jump start my blood) and started visiting blogs. I usually go back 12-15 hours which usually covers most of your most recent offerings. Some of y'all have a subscribe option (as I do in my sidebar) and I like that because you turn up in my email and I know to come visit. I do hope to get caught up today!

* In the midst of that my right eye went dark -- dark as in I couldn't see a damned thing -- if I covered my left eye, all I saw was dark grey. My first instinct was to panic. But instead of grabbing my Xanax, I gave myself a talk and calmed down a bit and decided to wait and see what happened. I've implants in both eyes because of cataract surgery so I know that when it comes to my eyesight, I'm a tad(?) paranoid. I thought about calling Dr. Jamie but opted to see what happened so I kept on with my reading and computer chores checking my eye periodically. After a while, the grey stuff began began to shrink and vision gradually returned and after nearly five hours. Still it nagged at me, so I finally called Dr. Jamie's office and told the nice young lady what had happened. She was very concerned and put me on hold while she talked to one of the Docs. When she came back, she said that I should be in the office first thing this morning so I was. Dr. Jamie said that it could be that a blood vessel popped or a wee stroke but everything looked okay today but that he was sending a report to Dr. Maria because she might want to do some sort of carotid artery test. Now when a doc says 'carotid artery' or 'stroke', I get nervous -- given my history -- but I'm telling myself that I have to postpone worrying until it's really something to worry about. Stay tuned. Have any of y'all had a similar experience?

* Alec called to let me know that they are doing well and Jeff is recuperating well and has even managed nine holes of golf after getting the go ahead from the doc down there. Shaughnessy isn't happy -- he likes winter and misses his playmates, i.e, the neighborhood kids. Alec offered me a plane ticket again but I think that it's best that I stay where I am.

* A guy friend and I were discussing the Newt and his bad treatment of his wives. My friend summed his thoughts up with "a stiff dick has no conscience". I replied, "But do we need/want a president who uses Mr. Stiffy instead of his brain?" He said "I don't but obviously the GOP citizens of South Carolina don't care." Sad, isn't it? Those of us who don't want an amoral idiot in the White House have our work cut out for us.

* The local chairman of the Obama 2012 campaign called yesterday and tonight I'm supposed to attend a party to watch the State of the Union message with other area Democrats but I've pretty much decided that I'm not going and to be honest, it's being held at a local restaurant and here I am with too much month at the end of money due to some extra expenses. Sigh. I need to get back to work for a while. Y'all can watch the speech live at the White House website.

* My excellent Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) is fighting (with his pal, and my hero, Bernie Sanders) to save the Post Office and y'all can sign the petition here.

* And here's Bernie with some good thoughts on Citizens United:

Bill Maher explains why we don't like Mitt (language warning):

Happy Blogging!!!!!



  1. Kay: Hang in there! Ohio needs you!

  2. I am glad you did call you eye doctor, Kay. A major story on our news out here is the stroke Illinois Senator Kirk suffered over the weekend. He called his doctor while he was driving into Chicago because he had a headache and some vision problem. He is now in the hospital with a long recovery ahead. They had to remove a large part of his skull to make sure the swelling of his brain would not cause more damage. He had no previous health problems at all to warn him. I definitely want to see you around for a long time to come.

  3. Great stuff. I think we should let Vermonters vote in our next President - they did a wonderful job with the independent Bernie Sanders. South Carolinians should be banned from voting - Gingrich, Really????

  4. Try to stop worrying.
    And yes, I did add you to my prayers.

  5. Tomorrow morning must seem like a long ways away to find out what is happening with your eye. Hopefully, is something that is quite temporary, simple, and will heal fast.

  6. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Please get a call or visit into the doctor. Your eyes are nothing to ignore. I have also had cataract surgery. I think there is a higher rate of later problems with the retina after the cataract surgery. So don't mess around! Just think---how would your life change if your sight was compromised?

    Love Bernie, btw.

  7. Kay take care of yourself. I spent 3 days in Hosp. after stroke I had on Set. 8th last year. Today a couple baby aspirin in the am without fail.Almost all my stroke symptoms are gone. I really get "bored" with Ohio winter weather... Have a good one

    1. Joe: Thanks!!!! I already had a massive stroke -- 34 years ago before the technology improved so greatly. I'm cautious in the extreme if *anything* is out of kilter.

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I love your blog posts...they keep me from feeling down and dismal about how Congress have done so little in the last 3 years to boost the economy.

    Here is my blog address...I have been trying to figure out how to put together a subscription feed but I do not know how to do that. I am going to be asking 1 of my computer techie friends to help with that...


    1. Thanks!!! It depresses me, too. I'll be over to see you later!

  9. I can imagine how you must have felt during that 'eye scare.' I'm so glad you followed up and called the doctor....hope everything turns out fine Kay.

    I can't even begin to explain why ANYONE would vote for Newt for anything...what a shady and immoral past he has. President of OUR country....good God NO! ~Joy

    1. From your keyboard to God's monitor. I don't take chances with my eyesight.

      And yeah, Newt and his pals are a pox on the American people!

  10. I can imagine how you must have felt during that 'eye scare.' I'm so glad you followed up and called the doctor....hope everything turns out fine Kay.

    I can't even begin to explain why ANYONE would vote for Newt for anything...what a shady and immoral past he has. President of OUR country....good God NO! ~Joy

  11. Kay, your eye issue happened to my brother in Nov. He said that in one eye it was as if a shade were drawn halfway and he saw grey. He called his eye dr and they had him come in the next morning. He did have evidence of a burst blood vessel and he was sent to his regular dr, and he wound up doing some tests to be sure there were no other clots hanging around...an echo cardiogram...They didn't find any other issues..follow up on that and keep us informed. I care.

    1. Thanks so very much, Mare!!!! This is so very, very helpful!!! I'll be on the phone to Dr. Maria in the morning!!!

  12. It's Robert Burns Birthday today!!!
    I dearly hope your eye problem is nothing terribly serious, my dear....! I'll keep good thoughts.

    LOVE Bernie Sanders....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Him!!!

    1. Thanks, Naomi!!!! I hope it isn't either.

      I think we need an Elders for Bernie Club!!!!

  13. Kay, you make reading blogs both a challenge and a reward!

  14. Keep us informed, Kay, we worry about you.

  15. Throwing my best wishes in the mix, Kay. Glad you've decided to call the doctor. We wanta keep groanin' about your jokes, not about your health!

  16. oh, those eyeballs! and i thought i was the only one!! at least you go to the doctor, so the rest of us can figure out wot to do. my treatments of choice: fresh squeezed carrot juice with 2 envelopes of EmergenC blended in. and REST...and more carrot juice. the bottled stuff doesn't work. i have to juice it myself (or go to a juice bar and get some squeezed fresh). i have two wotevers from the cataract surgery, too...some days, when I wake up, my left eye won't even open. but if i calm down and just force it to open, i can see everything clear as a bell! but half an hour later, it's back to the blurry stuff. Ain't life GRAND???!!! here's to ur eyes....


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