Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No Post Today

For various reasons, this as good as it gets today. Last evening I wound up at the ER and spent the night and I'll spare y'all the gory details. (God bless Michelle!) Diagnosis: stress. My thoughts on this are many but I'm not going to express them out of respect for my blood pressure which I sometimes neglect even though I know better. Today doctor's orders are to prop my feet up, rest and ignore the world. It's a gray, ugly day in Ohio so it's a good day for that. If your blog doesn't raise my blood pressure, I'll prolly be by to comment. If it does, I'll be there when I feel better.

Here's a song from "Crazy Heart" that keeps rattling around my poor damaged brain today:

Hope y'all are having a great day!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!



  1. The night in the ER...oh what fun Kay. Darn stress....it gets us every time. Hope you feel better sweetie...and take it easy. I'd be willing to bet your recent computer problems may have contributed to it....Stress-free hugs, Joy

  2. Oh, no, Kay! So sorry to hear you are (temporarily) overcome by stress. Please DO take care of yourself, we can't have you feeling so badly! Sending love and hugs!

  3. Kay, you take care of yourself!! That's an order. I sure hope I don't raise your pressure.

  4. Hugs from here. We love ya, and my blog only has artistic quilt pictures today.

  5. Joy: Nope -- the human kind of annoyance seems to be at the forefront.

    Claudia: I always land on my feet.

    Judy: Aye! Aye! Nevah, sis!

    Maggie: been there; you are my hero!!!

  6. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Well, add a bit of soothing music and a cuddly blanket to that putting your feet up, and maybe you will really settle down.

  7. Take it easy, Kay, and chill out a bit. Find a nice no-brainer, easy-on-the-nerves book and turn off the tv. We also have a gray and potentially rainy day so I am also chilling out.

  8. Jeff Bridges was great in that movie, wasn't he. Take care & feel better.

  9. Please... take care of yourself, Kay.

  10. Geez Kay, hope things mellow out. take care, postive thoughts and prayers going out to you :)

  11. Uh oh... better not come to my blog tomorrow because it's not an upper.

    ER? Oh no, Kay. Absolutely put your feet up and try to relax.

    Which makes me realize it's 11:30 and I need to get to bed.

  12. Loved this film and song. So, so sorry you are feeling so crappy, but just lay low until your trip. I assume you take meds for your blood pressure. Hang in there. Still playing blog catch-up.

  13. Ditto to everything! Doctor's orders sound reasonable to me. Take care.


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