The adventure I call life continues in my mostly immaculate apartment (my den is a job for Batman but I'm chipping away at it, too, since the Caped Crusader doesn't want to do it either.), I'm starting to think that my contention that there's no such thing as too many books is skewed thinking on my part as I try to get them organized. I love clean -- I just don't like doing it. I much prefer reading your blogs and writing here and there.
That said, "the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley", according to my fellow Scot, Robert Burns and it seems to be a running theme in what I laughingly call Kay's World. Terror struck my heart and derailed my plans yesterday after finally getting a decent night's sleep. I checked my e-mail and I had a message ostensibly from my bank. When I opened it, I found a message with this heading: _________ Online Alert: Notification of Irregular Account Activity. It puzzled me because I get daily alerts in my email and had already checked them and all seemed to be well. My heart stopped and I did as advised and clicked on the link to what I thought was my bank's website and got nervous when login didn't seem to be as it should be. Soooooooooooo I got the hell outta there and called my branch and talked to the manager/asst. v-p and tried to email her the message and wound up going over there to prove that I was me and talk some more. She called Tech Support who locked my account and advised me to run my anti-virus and Windows Defender (I also ran my anti-spyware and anti-adware programs) and it came out clean. They also asked me to forward the email to their fraud prevention department for investigation. Then I had to call them and we changed my username and password to get my account back. Sigh. I hope to hell they catch whoever is doing this and that I can sue them for big bucks.
The good news is that there was nothing wrong with my account except there wasn't enough money in it to support me in the manner to which I'd like to become accustomed which is an on-going problem unlikely to end. As I told the asst. vp, I've had my account there for eight years or so and they've been so good that I was inclined to believe the message really was from them and was informed that should my account have shown an irregularity, they would have called me -- never email -- and suspended it until they reached me. Now that's a nice thing to know. The v-p said, looking at my account, I've been an exemplary customer and thanked me for my business and apologized for the inconvenience.
At any rate, I'm okay albeit frazzled and I can get to my plans for today and the rest of the week which include getting caught up with y'all and getting some work done on my blog. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to take y'all on a tour of Kay's World, i.e., my apartment, now that it's fit for viewing by decent folk -- just don't open the closet doors!!!! LOL
And to get y'all started here's Rosie to issue the invitation!
Come on!!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't it maddening when you have to do so much to thwart a scam? I'm sure you didn't need this hassle in the midst of your cleaning frenzy.
ReplyDeleteOh I loved Rosemary Clooney's voice. Her nephew, George, isn't bad either. :-)
I'm so sorry you've been phished. I almost got suckered in once, and learned from that experience. Hugs.....
ReplyDeleteHi, Kay!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you got that phishing all straightened out. It's such a nuisance, but so many people fall prey to them still, especially the elderly and very young, that I turn in every one that I receive (and I get LOTS of them!) in the hopes that someday, somehow, these evil monsters will finally be caught!
Rosemary Clooney has such a beautiful voice. I think that my favorite movie of all time that she was in is called "White Christmas" and it also starred Mitzi Gaynor, Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. I've watched it about ten times and will watch it even more--it's like a tradition to watch it at Christmastime, along with "A Walton's Family Christmas" and "It's A Wonderful Life."
Good luck with cleaning and organizing. When you're all done, maybe you can come and help me with mine. I'm just not able to do it anymore.
By the way, thanks for stopping in at my blog and commenting on "Dellgirl"'s Guest Interview. I hope you'll stop by again.
Cynde's Got The Write Stuff
ReplyDeleteI am glad you got your account all straight. There seems to be an email scam a minute these days . And also phone scams too.
Th phone scam that just ticks me off is the one that wants to " give me a low low interest rate on my "credit cards" "Just press 2 and be connedted to a live operator." I did once just for the heck of it to see what sort of scam it was.
Dumb like I asked if they wanted all my credit card numbers and they said "Oh No. One will do"
Do they think we just fell off the turnip truck or what. As if I would give any bozo my credit card number.
I'm glad you weren't caught by the email.
ReplyDeleteAnd - I'm looking forward to the "tour."
Now there's a story with a happy ending! You were sharp to catch the fraud before it really hit you.
ReplyDeleteQuick catch on the bank fraud on your part. As for cleaning, you know when your socks stick to the floor -- and that floor is carpeted -- it's really time to clean!