Wednesday, June 04, 2008

How I Got to Be Me -- Life Goes On

This post was moved to my new blog, How I Got to Be Me . Future posts on this topic will be posted there. I suggest you bookmark it as it isn't listed. Thanks!!!!!!!

Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!!



  1. Kay our lives have been full.
    Like you I still struggle with much.
    I thought it would be easier by this time.
    Not so.
    Not easier but maybe we grow more accepting or just weary.
    I battle colitus daily, caused by years of stress.
    All that baggage I keep burying but sometimes - not as often as it used to - it tries to resurrect.
    We will just bury it again.
    Health wishes sent your way
    Blessings to you this day.

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM


    Your story continues to be very interesting and I have nothing but adniration for you. For you to finish college with your disabilities and two children to care for is exceptional.

  3. Kay, I thank you for sharing this. Your experiences were/are a lot like my husband's. He says he is claustrophobic now, but I think it is really more like panic attacks. He wouldn't agree to take any more medicine, I know, since he already takes 24 pills per day! And I am sure the side effects would bother him, too. The docs say they don't know what caused his stroke and they told him the same as yours did, about possible clots dissolving. He was in several car wrecks over the years; he even rolled a Volks once and landed upside down in a ditch. Maybe that's where he got head trauma - and it was either missed or didn't show up until later. WOW. There's so much to consider. I really do thank you for sharing!

  4. Indeed, Ernestine!!!

    It was something I needed to do, Nancy!!! My dad always said that once I was hellbent to do something, you could slow me down but you couldn't stop me! LOL

    Judy -- I know what a challenge you are facing. The hardest part is helping him work through the frustration and depression. Email me anytime and I will help, support, advise, sympathize as much as I can.

  5. Thanks Kay for another interesting installment. You have certainly taken every one of these challenges on with amazing strength and are one feisty lady.

  6. You have accomplished so many things in your life, more than a lot of people that don't have all the challenges that you faced and are facing.

    You go girl!!

  7. I love your determination, Kay, and your obviously strong inner spirit. Again, thank you for sharing and inspiring!

  8. Thank you for sharing the latest instalment of "How I got to be me."
    The story of your life and what you have accomplished is truly amazing.

  9. Anonymous2:44 PM


    best wishes for your satisfaction in tackling whatever the next big challenge comes around the corner.

    both tired/invigorated by the democratic presidential competition. and so it goes.

    yours, naomi

  10. It really is amazing all you have had to overcome and not knowing why something came into your life has to be the hardest for fear it would return. I like your doctor's response. Nobody gets a guarantee in life and that's both the scary and wondrous part of it. I do congratulate you on your attitude which is encouraging to others who might have less problems and still be finding themselves handicapped in a way you didn't let yourself become

  11. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Very inspirational reading-you have overcome so much and with grace and you "articulations" are well-articulate...Life is survival and that means striving toward the highest potential we have in spite of obstacles - you are a shining example.

  12. Kay, I continue to be inspired by your tenaciousness. I have had panic disorder for more than 30 years although it is rare these days. But I am taking Zoloft for my chronic depression and it has a component that helps with panic disorder, too. I always keep Alprazolam on hand just in case a PA does hit. I would not be the woman I am without modern chemistry. I guess I'm lucky meds work for me.

    Years ago, when I was in a perpetual panic, I went to a panic disorder support group for about a year. One thing I learned was to wear a rubberband around my wrist (though only when the attacks were relentless and daily). As soon as the adrenalin started to pump, I snapped the rubberband hard, sometimes a few times. It does something chemical.

    You haven't written about the divorce yet and I know you said you were even homeless for a time. All will be revealed, yes?

  13. Great dedication, Kay. I wonder if the sense of responsibility toward your children may have motivated you to keep going at times when you might have felt discouraged?

    I wonder if you think you experienced any personality changes following your stroke, compared to before?

    You are an inspiration to those who experience stroke and their caregivers. I know patients would be encouraged reading your story. Therapists would be delighted to know how you've coped and overcome some of your limitations.

    Expect you know about the American Heart Assn "Stroke" magazine which has first hand accounts of stroke patient's experiences. If you're writing a book, probably you're focusing on that.


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