Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy Blogiversary to Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One year ago today I became a member of the Blogosphere!

And I'm following the lead of one of my dearest friends and biggest supporters here in the Land of Blog, Joy of Six, in celebrating my year with you, my gentle blogging friends!

It's been an amazing year and the adventure I call life has taken its usual twists and turns and ups and downs and there are new challenges (read: fresh hell -- lol) already as I begin another year with y'all .

I began my celebration yesterday by visiting many of my newfound friends' blogs and as usual, I never cease to be amazed at the great thoughts and creativity you bring! You've made me laugh and cry and think as you shared your opinions, lives, photo, dreams and talents and, most importantly, you've inspired me while giving me love and support. It doesn't get better than that! And I will be visiting those I missed later today!!!!

I also will be adding a few new links of blogs I enjoy: Saffron, Mace and Nutmeg, The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog, Mining Nuggets, Off on a Tangent, and Pause. The first four are other Elderbloggers and they cover a broad range of knowledge, expertise, and experience. The last two are by two wonderful young people who I discovered via their Moms. Steve Garfield does great video blogs as well as the updates on pop culture he offers at the link I've listed here. Jory des Jardins is the daughter of Joy of Six. Her writing on her blog as well as her work with BlogHer are definitely top notch!

Many, many thanks to my great friend Ronni Bennett who made me an Elderblogger -- it gave me faith and confidence that what I was doing here had value. (She also taught me that being crabby or cranky is okay now and again.) Equal thanks -- maybe more -- to Joy of Six, Golden Lucy, Millie, and Rhea for their unflagging encouragement and support as I stumbled and faltered my way through the Blogosphere and life -- you gals are the best! To Always Question, a long-time 'Net friend who encouraged me to begin this new adventure and, as always, maintains his support: you opened a new world for me, my friend and I can't thank you enough!!! AND last but never, ever least: to the Man in Motown, thank you so much for being you and your constant support of my writing efforts here and on other projects as well as the many terrific photos you've provided that have appeared here.

And to all the others known to me via their comments -- too many to name -- and the silent ones who just stop by and read: you are all so special to me and have my heartfelt gratitude for letting me share your worlds & allowing me to share mine with you!!!!!!

Happy Blogging to Y'all and Happy Blogiversary to Me!!!!!!


P.S. Blogger wouldn't let me upload the photo I wanted to share!!! Grrrrrrrrrr


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    It's interesting how many blogs have their anniversary around now. I think a lot of blogs must have been started as New Year's resolutions.

  2. Happy Happy Blogiversary Kay! Does it seem like a whole year already? Thank you sweet friend for your kind and generous words on my behalf; and I'm thrilled that you read Jory's blog. She's been so busy with BlogHer these days that she hasn't been able to post as frequently as she would like. But, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm definitely happy that you've been posting more. I love your energy and your voice....generous and compassionate. Congratulations again Kay...may you spend many beautiful days in the blogosphere!

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Happy Anniversary, Kay!

  4. Congratulations, Kay, and thanks for the visit and comment on my blog. I noticed you have me in your blogroll, and I am grateful for that. I will check out the links you have given, as some of them are new to me. Thanks for them, and happy blogiversary. Mine is coming up on the 16th.

  5. Thanks so much y'all! The year just flew by but that seems to be the case as I grow older. It took forever to get to be 21 but since then the years seem to be getting shorter and shorter.

    No need to thank me for the links, Tamar & Judy -- I have a respect for good writing & you two always have good things to say even if I don't comment so you each earned a place on my blogroll.

    In the coming year I hope to post more although I keep getting derailed! Life intrudes on blogging
    far too often.

    And Joy? The words were very true -- so no need for thanks! Your kindness & friendship means a lot to me so I have to give you your propers!

    All of you are blessings in my life!

  6. Happy Anniversary, Kay!!

  7. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Happy blogiversary, Kay! Hoping for many more interesting posts.


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