Thursday, December 28, 2006

On the Road Again!

The Kay has been a travelling kind of gal as you can see from this picture taken at one of the Service Plazas on the Ohio Turnpike on the way home from Motown's suburbs where I spent Christmas with The Man and his large family -- especially his Mama, age 93 1/2. She says that at her age everyday counts. His brother and I chuckled as one of his grandaughters told me she was 6 1/2 because we realized that we would be back to "half" sooner than we thought.
On Christmas Eve, The Man was like a little kid as he kept wanting me to open my gift all day so I knew he was rather proud of his choice of a gift. I held out until we got back from his Mom's and I was absolutely delighted when I opened it as I am now the proud owner of my very own 5.1 mp digital camera and accessories which took the picture above! I'd been wanting one and so a wish came true! Now I get to learn how to use it! I took it with me to his Mom's on Christmas Day and had great fun taking less than stellar photos of unwilling subjects (the adults in his family are. camera-shy) and a couple really cute ones of his grandnieces. Funny how kids are much more willing to pose than adults. Oh, and he was pleased with his gifts, too, and immediately began figuring out his MP3 player!
We had a mostly quiet time just relaxing which I very much needed. High points included another trip to the Arab greengrocer and lunch at a truly wonderful Arab restaurant in Dearborn. Their salads are to die for and absolutely huge at an extremely reasonable price! They automatically bring you boxes to take home the leftovers and remind you to do so -- there was enough left over for two more meals!
It was a fun and busy time but we came back to Ohio because I had to work and so we could celebrate the New Year together. Looking back, 2006 was a pretty amazing, good year despite some interludes of sheer panic and worry. It was a year of changes -- mostly positive -- and without too many regrets. Hopefully, 2007 will bring lots of good stuff, too.
Here's hoping y'all had a blessed and VERY, VERY MERRY (insert applicable Holiday here) and that 2007 is HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS for all of you!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Those digital cameras were on a lot of people's lists this year. Great gift. Happy New Year to you, joy and peace always.

  2. Thank you ,Kay for stopping by...I hope the pilaf turned out good!
    Happy New Year...and happy blogging...I've been lax and lazy and need to get on my blog!

  3. Kay, Happy New Year.
    Wishing you every happiness throughout the coming year.

  4. Awwwwwwwwwwww y'all are way too sweet! Thanks so much for your love, support and for outting up with my miscellaneous ramblings!


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